Post by Rinon on Aug 12, 2004 18:55:43 GMT -5
Gustav: Capable of transporting 1 or 2 Zoids on the two flat carts it tows behind it. Good for beginning pilots.
Extra Gustav Cart
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Gustav owners may choose to buy up to 2 extra flat carts for the Gustav, for a maximum total of 4 carts.
Hover Cargo
Capable of transporting up to 4 Zoids inside it, as well as housing one set of Converstion Armor System equipment. A must have for pilots starting out with a Zoid that makes use of CAS equipment. $16,000
Red Whale King
Capable of transporting up to 8 Zoids in it's main hold. Good for small teams, and Zoid collectors. Contains one set of CAS equipment.
Blue Whale King
Capable of transporting up to 12 Zoids in it's medium sized interior holds. A good idea for small to medium teams. Contains one set of CAS equipment. $25,000
Purple Whale King
Capable of transporting up to 20 Zoids inside large interior holds. Good for medium to large teams. Contains two sets of CAS equipment. $31,000
Black "Battle Jack" Whale King
Capable of transporting up to 30 Zoids inside large interior holds. Excellent for large teams and organizations. Contains two sets of CAS equipment, as well as the neccessary equipment launching aerial Zoids. $42,000
Dragoon Nest
Another mobile like fortress like the Ultrasaurus or Predator King, but much more different. With a large hanger door for relasing the 50 Zoids it can hold, as well as two catapaults in each claw-like thing in its front. This transport has both good anti-air defenses and offensive capabilities. An all around massive transport if you saw any.
Capable of transporting up to 100 Zoids inside massive multi-level interior holds. A mobile fortress. The rarest of the transport Zoids. Only the most priviledged own this Zoid. Contains eight sets of CAS equipment, as well as two runways on it's back capable of launching and landing entire squadrons of aerial Zoids at the same time. $70,000